Friday, December 19, 2014

Poltics and Government - Essay, Due Tuesday

Folks, please remember, the essay is due Tuesday. Some of you have not been working as hard as you should, and absences are also becoming a problem. If you run into an issue w your paper this weekend you may email me, but I will not be giving feedback for essays that lack an action plan and an outline. I will also not answer emails that come in 11:30 on Monday night.

There will be no extensions for this essay.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Politics and Government Essay - Sentence Starters

Sentence Templates + Transitions
Taken, with some edits, from:
Introducing What “They Say”

  • A number of _______ have recently suggested that __________.
  • It has become common today to dismiss (or make fun of) __________.
  • In their recent work, Y and Z have harshly criticized ___________ for ___________.

Introducing What an Author Says

  • X acknowledges that _____________.
  • X agrees that _____________.
  • X argues that _____________.
  • X believes that _____________.
  • X denies/does not deny that _____________.
  • X claims that _____________.
  • X complains that _____________.
  • X concedes that _____________.
  • X demonstrates that _____________.
  • X celebrates the fact that _____________.
  • X insists that _____________.
  • X questions whether _____________.
  • X reminds us that _____________.
  • X reports that _____________.
  • X suggests that _____________.

Introducing “Standard Views”

  • Americans today tend to believe that ______________.

  • Common sense seems to say that _________________.

  • It is often said that __________________.

  • Many people assume that ______________.

Introducing an Ongoing Debate

  • In discussions of __________, one controversial issue has been ____________. On the one hand, ______________ argues __________________. On the other hand, ______________ opposes _____________. Others even believe ______________. My own view is ______________.

  • When it comes to the topic of ________, most of us will readily agree that __________. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of _____________. While some are convinced that _____________, others believe that _____________.

Using a Quotation (i.e., Backing up your argument with proof)

  • X states, “_______” ( ).
    • Standage states, “Some [drinks] have served to highlight the power and status of the elite” (2).

  • According to X, “____” ( ).
    • According to Standage, “Wine was the lifeblood of [Greece]” (3).

  • X himself writes, “_______” ( ).
    • Standage himself writes, “Six beverages... chart the flow of world history” (2).
    • Odysseus himself says, “I longed for sweet Penelope” (9.21).

  • In his book, ______________, X maintains that “________” ( ).
    • In his book, A History of the World in Six Glasses, Standage maintains that “Greek and Roman knowledge... had been safeguarded and extended by scholars in the Arab world” (4).

  • Writing in the magazine ________, X complains that “____________” ( ).
    • Writing in the online magazine Salon, Weitz complains that “reality television is little more than gladiatorial combat” (3).

  • X agrees when she writes, “_____” ( ).
    • I believe wine was the most influential drink in history. Standage agrees when he writes, “Wins was the lifeblood of [Greece]” (4).

Explaining a Quotation (i.e., Showing that you understand what the quote says)

  • Basically, X is saying _______.
    • Basically, Standage is saying that wine is what made Greece and Rome so powerful. That’s a pretty bold claim.

  • In other words, X believes ____________.
    • In other words, Standage believes that beer was crucial in the founding of ancient civilizations. It’s almost as if he’s saying that beer built the pyramids.

  • In making this comment, X urges us to ________.
    • In making this comment, Standage urges us to look at something as common as a bottle of Coca Cola and to consider its historical significance.

  • X’s point is that _________.
    • Odysseus’ point is that, since he is a man, he couldn’t help but fall for Circe’s beguiling manner.

  • The essence of X’s argument is that _____________.
    • The essence of Tanner’s argument is that memorizing massive lists of vocabulary will pay off in the future when difficult words are encountered.

Establishing Why Your Claims Matter (i.e., Why should I care about this argument?)
  • X matters because _____________________.
    • High school matters because it either opens or closes doors into the rest of my life.
  • Although X may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over _________________.
    • Although doing homework may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of succeeding in high school and developing my brain.
  • Ultimately, what is at stake here is ________________________.
    • Ultimately, what is at stake here is my lifelong flourishing; being lazy now means being unhappy for decades.
  • Although X may seem of concern to only a small group of _________________, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about ________________.
    • Although high school may seem of concern to only a small group of nerdy students, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about having an enjoyable life.


also                            another                      in fact        equally important         moreover
furthermore                  additionally                indeed        in addition              

however                             nevertheless                      although                       conversely   
on the contrary                 notwithstanding                 even though                  all the same                             on the other hand             by contrast                         nonetheless

likewise                               equally                      along the same lines
similarly                             in comparison            in the same way

for example                          in other words            in fact
for instance                          specifically                 after all
as an illustration                 consider        

accordingly                                hence                              consequently
as a result                                  thus                                 therefore

especially important                          above all                                        most noteworthy
especially relevant                            a significant factor                         most of all       

For ELABORATING (expanding upon a point):
actually                      by extension                  to put it another way
to put it bluntly          in short                         to put it succinctly
in other words           ultimately

clearly                                  hence                        consequently
obviously                             therefore                   thus
in short                                all in all

Politics and Government - Sample Introductions

"The land of the free and the home of the brave." When Francis Scott Key penned those famous words, he captured the feelings of generations of Americans to come: that the United States is a land of unparalleled rights and freedoms.  And while Mr. Key did share in these great rights and freedom, many in this new nation were intentionally excluded from these self-evident natural rights, which are believed to be protected by this nation's revolutionary founding documents.  It is in these documents that the founders’ intent for our nation’s government can be found, and the truth can be rooted out.   While this nation's framers fully intended to create a revolutionary and democratic government, they failed due to the deeply embedded biases of the time.  This failure is most obvious in the treatment of women, the poor, and anyone not considered white.  

The preamble to the United States Constitution proclaims to protect the rights and liberties of “we the people”, but for much of this nation’s history “we” was narrowly defined within a context of patriarchy and white supremacy.  Under these conditions marginalized groups have agitated, demonstrated, and died in their endeavors to force the United States to live up to its ideals. While the achievement of full democracy has not been fully realized, the struggle to obtain it may not have begun had the Constitution’s authors not at least laid a framework for democratic governance. Although the framers’ notion of democracy was flawed—they protected the institution of slavery failed to enfranchise women —they did intend to create a government that was revolutionary and democratic for its time.  Their intentions are best evidenced by the ability of some citizens to participate in government, the Bill of Right’s protection of civil liberties, and Jefferson and Madison’s tendency to lean toward majoritarianism and the expansion of the franchise.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Politics and Government - Homework - Due - Wednesday - Dec 10/Thursday - Dec 11

1) What types of things will you highlight in your notes?  How will this highlighting strategy support you as you write this essay?

2) Based on what you've highlighted, draft a tentative claim.

3) Create an action plan.  For instance, you may need to get reading done or makeup homework.  Those should be the first things on you action plan.  Constructing an outline should also be on your action plan.  

4) Read Dahl pg - 141 - 157  Take detailed notes.  Notes should connect to the essential question and other texts as well as record information.

Politics and Government - Sample Claims for Essay

Some sample claims:

  • The U.S. constitutional system could be vastly improved through a few, powerful democratizing changes, namely changing to a proportional electoral system, abolishing the upper house of Congress and eliminating equal representation of states in the Congress.

  • Our Constitution is globally renowned as a contradictory and enigmatic document, primarily because it reflects the warring ideals of the two main groups within the framers, represented by Jefferson’s Democratic-Republicans and Hamilton’s Federalists.

  • The U.S. financial system favors the wealthy banking elites, primarily because Alexander Hamilton’s vision for a federal financial system won out over Thomas Jefferson’s somewhat more egalitarian vision.

  • The framers did not intend to create a revolutionary and democratic government and instead sought to create a government that protected property rights and individuals of wealth more than civil liberties and common people.

  • Although the framers’ notion of democracy was flawed—they protected the institution of slavery failed to enfranchise women —they did intend to create a government that was revolutionary and democratic for its time.  Their intentions are best evidenced by the ability of some citizens to participate in government, the Bill of Right’s protection of civil liberties, and Jefferson and Madison’s tendency to lean toward majoritarianism and the expansion of the franchise.

Politics and Government - Essay

Response Essay

In this unit we will examine the roots of our republic. Conventional wisdom suggests our republic is democratic in nature, reflecting the democratic impulses of our "founding fathers". Historians such as Howard Zinn seem to challenge this notion. Others such as Gore Vidal and Robert Dhal have more nuanced views.  In this essay you will deconstruct the arguments of these historians to develop your own interpretation of the framers and their intentions when drafting the United States Constitution.

You will write a formal essay that demonstrates your understanding of class texts, lectures,  films, and discussions. Your essay should be 5 pages, typed, double spaced, 12 pt font. In this essay you will construct an argument that responds to one of the following questions:

Did the Constitution's framers intend to create a revolutionary and democratic government?

How could our constitutional system be improved?

How does Jefferson's vision about political rights and the shape of the financial system compare to Hamilton's?

Your paper should discuss at least one of the following:

- The distinct feelings about revolution and democracy held by the "Founding Fathers"

- The structure of the government and/or the democratic or undemocratic aspects of each branch.

- The manner in which different "Founding Fathers" implemented the new Constitution; the way they used their roles in government to shape domestic and foreign policy.

Your paper should contain evidence from all of the following sources:

A) Inventing a Nation by Gore Vidal

B) "A Kind of Revolution" by Howard Zinn

C) How Democratic is the Constitution by Robert Dhal

D) Who Built America?

E) United States Constitution, Federalist  

F) Other selected handouts 

G) Class notes on lectures, films, discussions

Rubric for Essay 


16 - Demonstrates a clear and sophisticated understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; accurately discusses the opinions and arguments presented by different historians regarding several of the framers and the Constitution

12 - Demonstrates a clear understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; accurately discusses the opinions and arguments presented by different historians regarding several of the framers and the Constitution

8 - Demonstrates some understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; attempts to discuss the opinions and arguments presented by one or two historians regarding one or two of the framers and the Constitution

4 - Demonstrates little or no understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; does not discusses the opinions and arguments presented by historians regarding the framers and the Constitution; provides a summary of events without making an argument 


4 - Writer creates a well-organized essay.  Persuasive and nuanced arguments and analysis are sequenced logically to support the claim.
Writer makes effective use of transitions to link all parts of the essay.

3 - Writer creates an organized essay.  Arguments and analysis are sequenced logically to support the claim.

Writer uses transitions to link all parts of the essay

2 - Writer creates a somewhat organized essay.  Arguments and analysis are not always sequenced logically to support the claim.  Writer attempts to use transitions to link parts of the essay.

1 - Writer provides very little to no organization.  Writer does not use transitions to link any parts of the essay. 


4 - Writer’s claim provides a precise, nuanced interpretation of the sources that is grounded in multiple perspectives, historical, political, and/or social scientific context.
   - The introduction engages the reader and persuasively lays foundation for a passionate argument.  It identifies topic of the essay and provides ample contextual information that builds the readers’ understanding of the claim.
   - The conclusion continues and strengthens the claim.  It highlights significance, expands insight and makes recommendations for future action.  

3Writer’s claim provides a precise, interpretation of the sources that is grounded in multiple perspectives, historical, political, and/or social scientific context.

   - The introduction identifies topic of the essay and provides ample contextual information that builds the readers’ understanding of the claim.
   - The conclusion continues and strengthens the claim.  It mentions significance and makes recommendations for future action. 

2 - Writer’s claim provides a general interpretation of the sources OR a lack of clarity detracts from the claim.
   - The introduction identifies topic of the essay and provides superficial contextual information that gives readers a partial understanding of the sources. 
   - The conclusion summarizes arguments and restates the claim. 

1 - Writers claim only states a fact about the sources and offers no interpretation.

   - The essay lacks a clear introduction.
   - The essay lacks a coherent conclusion. 


4 - Writer develops claim thoughtfully and persuasively using numerous relevant, convincing pieces of evidence from both secondary and primary sources (including direct quotation), and statistical/numerical data.

   - Writer cities specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary         sources.
   - Writer includes statistical data as part of the evidence to bolster claims and/or devalue counterclaims
   - Writer provides insightful, thorough analysis of the evidence to support the claim, using the following critical reading strategies:

Explanation of what the text says directly as well as analysis of meanings that are implied, hidden, hinted at, or left ambiguous in the text.

Analysis of how the authors’ word choices impact the biases of the sources.  Writer considers and discusses bias of authors when analyzing evidence.

Evaluates the claims, premises, and evidence in both primary and secondary sources in order to challenge counter arguments and bolster initial claim.      

3 - Writer develops claim using sufficient relevant, convincing pieces of evidence from both secondary and primary sources (including direct quotation), and statistical/numerical data.

    - Writer cities textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

    - Writer includes statistical data as part of the evidence to support claims and/or devalue counterclaims

    - Writer provides thorough analysis of the evidence to support the claim, using one or more of the following critical reading strategies:
Explanation of what the text says directly as well as analysis of meanings that are implied, hidden, hinted at, or left ambiguous in the text.

Analysis of how the authors’ word choices impact the biases of the sources.  Writer considers and discusses bias of authors when analyzing evidence.

Evaluates the claims, premises, and evidence in both primary and secondary sources in order to challenge counter arguments and bolster initial claim.                              

2 - Writer develops claim using some relevant evidence from the texts, including direct quotations that support the claim.

     - Writer provides a basic explanation of how the evidence supports the claim. 

1 - Writer uses irrelevant or insufficient textual evidence to support analysis of text. 

   - Writer’s analysis of the evidence does not support the claim. 


4 - Writer uses a range of precise and varied vocabulary to elaborate or clarify ideas. 
   - Demonstrates command of the conventions of capitalization, punctuation (extends to     hyphenation), and spelling consistently throughout the text.   - Mechanical and grammatical errors are rare or nonexistent.
   - Writer follows accepted conventions for formatting text citations such as MLA standards, footnotes, and parenthetical notes.  

3 - Writer uses a range of vocabulary to elaborate or clarify ideas. 
   - There are few mechanical or grammatical errors.

   - Writer follows accepted conventions for formatting text citations and adheres to MLA standards.

2 - Writer uses basic vocabulary to elaborate or clarify ideas
   - There are many mechanical or grammatical errors that do not generally interfere with the reader’s ability to understand the essay.       
   - Writer attempts to follow accepted conventions for text citations and works cited page.

1 - Abundant mechanical and grammatical errors interfere with the reader’s ability to understand the essay.
   - In text citations and works cited page are missing from the essay

Monday, December 1, 2014

Politics and Government Homework - Due - Tues, Dec 2

Dahl - Read 99 -119
Democratic Fairness
·         What are the two types of constitutional systems Dahl presents? How are they different? What are the pros and cons of each system? Which is more democratic? Why/How?
·         Identify: Arend Lijphart
·         Why are proportional governments called consensus governments?
·         What re the four major groups in the Netherlands?  In what ways are these groups divided? How did the Netherlands resolve these divisions? What is the present status of the Dutch government?
·         Discuss the cultural divisions in Switzerland
·         Why is 1917 considered the point of democratization Switzerland?

·         Discuss and summarize the findings on the 1990 survey of citizens.  How do you think the U.S. place in such a survey?  Explain
        Why do the Dutch, Swiss, and Swedes prefer proportionality?
        Discuss and summarize the 1990 survey of citizens' views.  How do you think the U.S. would have placed in the survey? Why? 
        Explain how/why the compositions of the three majorities in the U.S. Constitutional system differ from one another.
        What is divided government?
        In what ways is the president a blend of a monarch and a prime minister. 
        How has the presidency evolved?  How have opinion polls impacted this evolution?
        Discuss citizens' expectations of the president in the American system.  Are these expectations appropriate?  Realistic?  Explain.
        What impact do you think population has on democratic effectiveness? 
        What impact do you think diversity has on democratic effectiveness?
        Discuss the democratic effectiveness in the U.S. relative to other democracies.