Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Politics and Government - Homework - Due - Wed, June 1

Read Reagan's Realignment of White Southerners pg 205 - 221 

Identify/define/answer the following, and make sure you support your identification with direct evidence from the text:

a) political dealignment
b) political realignment
c) Great White Switch
d) Dixiecrat
e) Harry Truman
f) Eisenhower's impact on the Southern president vote in 1952 and 1956
g) Republican voting patterns on presidential level, elections 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976
h) Reaganism
i) Party Platforms of Democrats and Republicans, 1980
j) How/why did Reagan appeal to Southern Democrats? Discuss his election strategy in 1980. How did he characterize/discuss the economy, foreign policy, religion/social issues, civil rights
k) Why was criticized for his appearance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
l) Discuss Reagan's relationship with the black community.
m) Which Reagan policies were most popular amongst white southerners?
n) Discuss Reagan's legacy and impact on the elections of 1988 and 1992. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Democratizing Twentieth Century America - Homework - Due - Friday, May 27

Read the following documents in Gosse and prepare a primary source analysis for each:

  • Fair Play for Cuba Committee (pg 55) 
  • Speech at Congressional Black Caucus Dinner (pg 170)
  • Our Bodies, Ourselves (pg 172) 
Look at the table of contents in Gosse and identify all the documents that pertain to your group. This list should also include documents to which your group might make connections, for instance, the Black Power group might list the Young Lords Thirteen Point Platform in addition to the Black Panthers Ten Point Platform to illustrate intersectionality between the two groups. 

Democratizing Twentieth Century America Homework - Due - Thurs, May 26

Friday, May 20, 2016

Democratizing Twentieth Century America - Homework - Due - Monday, May 23

1 - Why Then? Why did the Puerto Rican Nationalist Movement get underway when it did?

Most Americans don't know Puerto Ricans are Americans 
Read the article, annotate, and take notes. How does this article confirm, extend, simplify, or complicate ideas generated in the readings and discussions about the Puerto Rican Nationalist Movement? 

2 - Multicultural, Pluralistic America 

How and why has the United States changed ethnically, racially, and culturally since the mid twentieth century? How have these changes impacted politics, and how might these changes continue to to impact politics in the future? 

You should have a total of 1.5 to 2 pages of writing when you are finished. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Politics and Government - Homework - Due - Friday, May 20

Read Reagan's a Time For Choosing speech.

1 - Make a columned chart that lists words that appeal to the different conservative audiences.

2 - Complete a primary source analysis that identifies the texts central ideas and connections to other texts. How does Reagan confirm, extend, challenge, or refute arguments made by Goldwater and other conservatives? Make sure you provide evidence from multiple texts. You should have at least a page of writing, not including your columned chart for item 1.

3 - **Reminder: School attendance is not optional, even when it's nice out, even if you are a senior. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Politics and Government - Homework - Due - Monday, May 16

Read the following Atlantic article and take notes.

What are the article's central ideas, and what seems to be the central argument? How does this text confirm, extend, or refute the major ideas presented in the Lee Edwards article, Conscience of a Conservative, and Goldwater on Goldwater? Please use direct quotes from each article to evidence your connections.

Why did the Conservative Movement get underway when it did, and why was it able to capture the Republican Party in 1964?

You should have 1.5 - 2 pages of writing.

The Conservative 1960s 

Democratizing Twentieth Century America Homework - Due - Monday, May 16

Puerto Rican Cultural Nationalism: Why Then?

1 - Read Third World Liberation Front - The Politics of Strike and complete a primary source analysis. (Gosse, pg 127)

2 - Read the following two texts and take notes on each. In addition, please discuss the texts' central ideas, take note of important numerical/statistical data, and record important information, such as events, people, organizations, legislation, etc.

Who are the Young Lords? Why did Puerto Ricans become more politically active and aware during the late 1960s and early 1970s? How does their movement connect to other movements within the New Left?

 Remember the Young Lords? Nether the NYPD...

Young Lords Legacy of Puerto Rican Activism 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Debate Results

Mon, May 9

Period 1
Resolution:  Government should improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged students by facilitating access to parochial schools.
Affirmative: Gregory N, Ashley R, Anastasiya S. = 523 points
Negative:  Tabatha R*, Ahmed N, Jourdan S. = 436 points

Period 2
Resolution:  Public schools should be allowed to implement mandatory drug testing for all students.
Affirmative: Angella R, Anderson A, Ana N. = 532 points  
Negative: Jaqueline L, Tristan T, Alexander C. = 456 points

Period 3
Resolution : The right to bear arms is essential in a free and democratic society.
Affirmative: Gloriel F, Guthrie M, Desmond S. = 519 points
Negative:  Brandon, Athena, Alfredo = 454 points

Period 4
The death penalty is a necessary component of our justice system.
Affirmative: Vincenzo A, Tess D, Logan M. = 342 points
Negative:  Lily D, Amanda H, Allison H. = 317 points

Period 5
Resolution : The death penalty is a necessary component of our justice system.
Affirmative: Yosrick A, Jackie S, Ryan A. =283 points  
Negative:  Kaylah T, Veronica W, Sheila C. = 334 points

Period 6
Resolution: Eminent domain should be invoked to encourage private development of economically disadvantaged communities.
Affirmative: Nick W, Augustus D, Danny S., Max  = 450 points
Negative:  Danny R, Michael S, Jordan S., Emma H = 512 points

Period 7
Resolution : The right to bear arms is essential in a free and democratic society.
Affirmative: Dylan T, Vasilisa L, Thomas M. = 242 points
Negative:  Ellen S, Ally, Mariam S. = 348 points

Wed, May 11

Period 2
Resolution:  Government should improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged students by facilitating access to parochial schools.

Affirmative: Kayla M, Nilou M, Eldin P, Emily C. = 453 points
Negative:  Sarah M, Allie R, Nikki Lee. = 495 points

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Debate Schedule

Period 1

Resolution Government should improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged students by facilitating access to parochial schools

Affirmative: Gregory N, Ashley R, Anastasiya S. 
Negative:  Tabatha R*, Ahmed N, Jourdan S.

Period 2

Resolution Public schools should be allowed to implement mandatory drug testing for all students.

Affirmative: Angella R, Anderson A, Ana N.  
Negative: Jaqueline L, Tristan T, Alexander C.

Period 3 

Resolution The right to bear arms is essential in a free and democratic society.

Affirmative: Gloriel F, Guthrie M, Desmond S.
Negative:  Brandon, Athena, Alfredo 

Period 4 

The death penalty is a necessary component of our justice system.

Affirmative: Vincenzo A, Tess D, Logan M. 
Negative:  Lily D, Amanda H, Allison H. 

Period 5 

Resolution The death penalty is a necessary component of our justice system.

Affirmative: Yosrick A, Jackie S, Ryan A.  
Negative:  Kaylah T, Veronica W, Sheila C. 

Period 6 

ResolutionEminent domain should be invoked to encourage private development of economically disadvantaged communities.

Affirmative: Nick W, Augustus D, Danny S., Max 
Negative:  Danny R, Michael S, Jordan S., Emma H

Period 7 

Resolution The right to bear arms is essential in a free and democratic society.

Affirmative: Dylan T, Vasilisa L, Thomas M.  
Negative:  Ellen S, Ally, Mariam S. 

Wed, May 11, period 2 

Resolution Government should improve educational opportunities for disadvantaged students by facilitating access to parochial schools.

Affirmative: Kayla M, Nilou M, Eldin P, Emily C. 
Negative:  Sarah M, Allie R, Nikki Lee.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Politics and Government - Homework - Due - Thursday, May 5

1 - Final drafts of speeches should be completed, printed, and ready to be read aloud to either me or a teammate. Please make sure your teammates time your speeches. If this is not complete, the grades for the respective team members will suffer.

2 - If you have index cards, clipboards, or highlighters, please bring them to class.

3 - Remember that Monday's debate is formal, so it will help to dress the part.