Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Democratizing 20th Century America - Break Assignment

During the break you will read about the 1920s and the Great Depression as discussed by Howard Zinn. You will read the end of "War is the Health of the State (pgs 368-376)" and the entire chapter "Self Help in Hard Times (pgs 377-406)."

In our next two units we will investigate the Labor Movement and the Civil Rights Movement. As you read I would like you to consider the questions: Why then? Why did the Labor Movement get underway when it did?

Assignment: After reading, I would like you to identify the following terms. You should draw a three column chart. Label as follows.

Column A - Point of View (What does Zinn want you to know, think and believe about this?)

Column B - Evidence (Quote the text)

Column C - Connections/Significance/Discussion (Why is this term important? How does this connect to the Labor Movement? How does this help you answer or begin to answer the EQ "why then"?)

War is the Health of the State (369-376, start at "About nine hundred people went to jail under the Espionage Act...)"

Espionage Act
American Protective League
Green Corn Rebellion
Jeanette Rankin
Kate Richards O'Hare
IWW Trials
Palmer Raids
Sacco and Vanzetti

Self Help for Hard Times

Seattle General Strike
Establishment's Reaction to the Seattle Strike
Excerpt from The Nation
Immigration and Labor/Strikes/Strike Breaking
U. S. Policy Toward Immigrants during the 1920s
Marcus Garvey
Distribution of Wealth During the 1920s
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sinclair Lewis
Fiorello La Guardia
National Textile Workers Union
Stock Market Crash 1929
Grapes of Wrath
WWI Bonus Army
Role of the Communist Party During the Depression
Wagner-Connery Bill/Wagner Act
Organized Labor in the South
Hosea Hudson
sit down strikes
John Lewis/CIO
Economic changes brought by the New Deal
New Deal and African Americans

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