Monday, June 2, 2014

Politics and Government Final - Friday, June 6 - Review Sheet

Exam will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, and short answer.

Reagan: Foreign policy of, and military spending, Reaganomics, children of, as actor, as corporate spokesman, as governor of California, relationship w/Religious Right, legacy of     

George Wallace
Newt Gingrich
Jimmy Carter
Mikhail Gorbachev
Sandra Day O’Connor
William F. Buckley
Lyndon Johnson
Russel Kirk
Franklin Roosevelt
Clarence Darrow
William Jennings Bryan
Thomas Jefferson
DC v Heller
McDonald v Chicago

Scottsboro Cases
Lawrence v Texas
Bowers v Harwick
Kelo v New London
Romer v Evans
Atkins v Va
Penry v Lynaugh
Heart of Atlanta v U.S.
Kelo v. New London
Gitlow v. New York
Marbury v. Madison
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Schenk v. United States
Brandenberg v Ohio
Zorach v Clauson
Slaughterhouse Cases
Acton v Veronia School District 
Earls v. Bd of Ed
Barron v. Mayor of Baltimore
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris
Walz v. NYC Tax Commission      
Lemon v. Kurtzman
McCollum v. Board of Education
Pierce v. Society of Sisters
Everson v. Board of Education
Sherbert v Verner
Engle v. Vitale
Epperson v. Arkansas
WVA Board of Education v. Barnette
Minersville v. Gobitis
Schenk v U. S.
Marbury v Madison
Furman v Georgia
Gregg v Georgia
Gitlow v. New York
Edwards v Aguillard
Zelman v Simmons-Harris
Minersville v. Gobitis
Sherbert v Verner
Weeks v United States
United States v Santana
Boy Scouts of America v Dale
Miranda v. Arizona
Plessy v Ferguson
Brown v Board of Education
Bowers v Hardwick
Heart of Atlanta v US
Commerce Clause
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Butler Act
Missouri Compromise
Reconstruction Amendments
Voting Rights Act of 1965
1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act
14th amendment
Bill of Rights
Establishment Clause
Free Exercise Clause
Establishment / Free Exercise
Judicial Review, Types of

voter identification
racial makeup of southern electorate
Great White Switch
Republican Revolution 1994
Freeze Movement
Reykjavik Summit
Geneva Summit
Iran-Contra Affair
New Christian Right
Berlin Wall
Military industrial complex
philosophers, popularizers, philanthropists, and politicians
Keynesnian Economics
Milton Friedman 
Strategic Defense Initiative
Daisy Add
“A Time for Choosing”
Vietnam War
Watergate Scandal
Iranian hostage crisis
Boland Amendment 
6 Conservative principles
Executive, legislative, judicial branches (major powers of each)
Framers of the Constitution
States rights/state sovereignty
Earl Warren/Major Justices

Reykjavik Summit
Geneva Summit 
due process
equal protection
civil liberties
judicial review
Dangerous Tendencies Test/Clear and Present Danger
Imminent Lawless Action 
Writ of certiorari
“benevolent neutrality”
“child benefit theory”
Excessive Entanglement Standard
Compelling interest rule
Generally applicable law rule
balanced time
Compelling interest
Generally applicable
Exclusionary rule
Writ of certiorari
Released Time
overlapping jurisdiction
double jeopardy
change of venue
Present Supreme Court, chief justice 

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