Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Poltics and Government Case Presentations Rubric


Background and Historical Context

4 - Demonstrates a clear and sophisticated understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; theorizes how the historical context and/or previous rulings may have impacted the Court's opinion; succinctly summarizes the facts of the case

3 - Demonstrates a clear understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; theorizes how the historical context and/or previous rulings may have impacted the Court's opinion; succinctly summarizes the facts of the case.

2 - Demonstrates some understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; attempts to theorizes how the historical context and/or previous rulings may have impacted the Court's opinion; summarizes the facts of the case.

1 - Demonstrates little to no understanding of the historical time period and the cause and effect relationship between significant events; weakly theorizes how the historical context and/or previous rulings may have impacted the Court's opinion; does not discuss facts of the case.

Constitutional/Legal Understanding

4 - Clearly presents the relevant legal provisions and Constitutional question(s); provides concise summary of the Court's opinion; communicates a clear understanding of the opinion's arguments in a sophisticated manner; uses level three vocabulary; uses political, legal and cultural lenses to explain how the ruling may impacted later situations or may impact situations in the future

3 - Presents the relevant legal provisions and Constitutional question(s); provides summary of the Court's opinion; communicates an understanding of the opinion's arguments; uses political, legal and cultural lenses to explain how the ruling may impacted later situations or may impact situations in the future

2 - Presents legal provisions and Constitutional question(s); provides summary of the Court's opinion; communicates some understanding of the opinion's arguments

1 - Attempts to present legal provisions and Constitutional question(s); provides summary of the Court's opinion; communicates some understanding of the opinion's arguments


4 - Provides succinct and relevant evidence from the majority (and possibly) dissenting opinions in a highly engaging manner; provides relevant, succinct direct quotes from majority and dissenting opinions

3 - Provides relevant evidence from the majority (and possibly) dissenting opinions; provides relevant direct quotes from majority and dissenting opinions

2 - Provides evidence from the majority (and possibly) dissenting opinions; provides direct quotes from majority and dissenting opinions

1 - Provides little or irrelevant evidence from the majority opinion


4 - Conveys a sophisticated understanding of how the ruling has or may impact the lives of individuals in the group or others in our community; discusses how the issue relates to current events and politics; mentions significant numerical and statistical/data

3 - Conveys a clear understanding of how the ruling has or may impact the lives of individuals in the group or others in our community; discusses a connection to a relevant current event; mentions significant numerical and statistical/data

2 - Conveys some understanding of how the ruling has or may impact the lives of individuals in the group or others in our community; discusses a connection to a relevant current event; mentions significant numerical and statistical/data

1 - Conveys little understanding of how the ruling has or may impact the lives of individuals in the group or others in our community; discusses no connections to a relevant current event; mentions no significant numerical and statistical/data


4 - Facilitates engaging and interesting class discussion; provides visuals; raises interesting questions, claims and counter claims; all group members play a role in class discussion

3 - Facilitates interesting class discussion; raises interesting questions, claims and counter claims; all group members play a role in class discussion

2 - Facilitates class discussion; raises questions, claims and counter claims; most group members play a role in class discussion

1 - Facilitates little discussion; presentation is dominated by one or two group members

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