Saturday, October 10, 2009

Homework: Week of 10/13, Schedule for Week of 10/13

We will have a very limited schedule next week, but you will all need to have these assignments done by Thursday. Our discussions and activities will be anchored by the readings, so make sure you have read everything by Tuesday. I suggest that you read and annotate first, then answer questions. Sorry this post is a little late.

Democratizing 20th Century
Unit 1: Democracy and Equality for Women: The Right to Vote - Why Then?

a) Read the following links:

b) Read Zinn pg 31-44

c) create a 3 column chart and label:

Column A - Identifications: Term described and discussed. What does Howard Zinn want you to know, think and believe about this term or concept?

Column B - Evidence: Write the quote that you used to draw your conclusions for Column A

Column C - Connections: In which ways does this term connect to at leat one of the following? women's suffrage, industrialization, imperialism or immigration


Mark Twain
Upton Sinclair
J. P. Morgan, J. D. Rockefeller
Immigration and the Labor Force
Triangle Shirtwaist Company
International Ladies Garment Workers
Samuel Gompers
Big Bill Heywood

d) create a primary source analysis table for
1. the quote by Emma Goldman on page 31
2. the quote from Cosmopolitan Magazine on page 35

Civil War and Reconstruction Unit 1: Race, Gender and Class in the Slave South - How can Economic Conflict Lead to War?

Read Nature of Female Slavery pgs 108-110

1. What percentage of the black population was enslaved by 1850?

2. How did geography impact fertitility? Use statistical data to support your answer.

3. Discuss the slave fertility rate.

4. Describe the experience of escaped slave Josiah Hanson.

5. Identify: Harriet Beecher Stowe

6. Discuss the experiences of the slaves Gina, Mary Montgomery and Linda Bret. **Include one quote for each.

7. Discuss the role gender played on patterns of resistance to slavery. **2 paragraphs, 4 quotes

Read Slavery and the Growth of the South pages 301-306 (until agrarian society)

1. Identify: Frederick Douglass

2. Discuss differences between North and South. Create a T-Chart.

3. Define: yeoman

4. Discuss the regional differences regarding slavery.

5. Identify: cotton boom, How did British demand for cotton impact the South?

6. Identify: Jefferson Davis

7. What was meant by "one generation aristocrats?" Explain your answer. How did cotton change social class dynamics between 1800 and 1860? Can you think of any "first generation aristocrats" who exist today?

8. What conclusions can you draw from the map on 305? Explain.

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